This is a typical Indonesian breakfast, if you live in Jakarta you can find the Porridge Cart almost everywhere, with people in queue for their healthy breakfast (actually it’s not so healthy if you know how those men wash their cutlery, but trust me, it will make you tougher!:D)
Basically this is rice porridge with Soto Sauce, it’s not so simple to make but trust me, it’s not THAT difficult. If you want to save some energy and get double result, I suggest you make Chicken Soto, put aside some of the broth and make it thicker, and serve it for the porridge. Keep them in the fridge so you’ll get Soto and Chicken Porridge ready for a couple of meal times :)

For the porridge:
Rice about 2 cups
2 or 3 liters of water, just add when you feel your porridge needs them
A sprinkle of salt
3 Indonesian Bay Leaves (Daun Salam)
For the yellow sauce:
4 or 5 shallots ( I used one big onion or bawang bombay)
6 cloves of garlic
2cm turmeric
2cm blue ginger (laos)
1cm ginger
2tsp coriander
5 candlenuts
Salt, white pepper, lemon juice, sugar to taste
2 or 3 kafir lime leaves
2 stalks of lemon grass, crush the white bottom
About 10 pieces of chicken necks for the stock. I know this sounds a bit scary, but that’s the cheapest and easiest way to get a real chicken stock for me here, instead of buying the whole chicken only for the stock :D
For the topping:
1 fillet of chicken breast (boil along with the chicken broth)
Cakue (you can buy in the Asia store, my friend said it’s in the freezer section – will definitely try it next time)
Fried soy bean (I didn’t have it and it was too cold to go out, but next time will get it :D)
2 stalks spring onion and celery, finely sliced
Fried onion
Melinjo creakers (Emping) and Shrimp Creakers
Boiled Egg (if you want ;D)
How to:
Cook the rice with the water and bay leaves until you get the porridge with the nice texture. I suggest just used cooked rice to cut the times shorter.
Grind the shallots, garlic, turmeric, ginger, blue ginger, coriander and candlenuts into a paste, sauté the paste with two or three table spoon of cooking oil until it smells good. I added kafir lime leaves and lemon grass too and stir fry them again until it smells good.
Add the chicken necks and the chicken, stir fry for a while and add 1 or 2 liters of water. Bring to boil (you can use high heat) and after some times, lower the heat and boil the stock for another one hour until the chicken become soft. Personally, I don’t eat chicken neck. I fear them. But my husband loves it so I will cook them until they are soft and bitable.
Shred the chicken breast – if you cook it until very soft, you don’t have to shred it, just press it with a fork and it will be shredded :)
Serve porridge in a bowl, add yellow sauce (the chicken broth), shredded chicken, sliced spring onion, Asian celery, fried onion, fried soybean, cakue, and the crackers.
The original Abang-abang (Porridge man) will use a kind of salty soya sauce, which taste differently with the one we buy at the store. So this recipe doesn’t make the porridge exactly taste like theirs (and I always wonder why), but it is close enough and it can make our family happy :)
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