It's weekend and for the past few days I'm absolutely in my baking moods. Me and Ms. Ling Ling went to Abu Dhabi Co-op yesterday, it's like Singapore's NTUC Fair Price - a hypermarket owned by goverment, I think.
It wast the most fun outing :P since I got the chance to spend quite times there and browsing around - studying what they have here in Abu Dhabi compared to Singapore or Indonesia. I found that baking stuff is quite hard to find (please, anyone lives here, correct me if I'm wrong). I've tried Carrefour and this Co-op but the selections are very limited. But they do have more options with cheese and somehow their cheese is so cheaper than Singapore. Huwww... it's not fair :P
So I've made my plan to make baked pasta and today here it is :) It's one of Hihihi Bakery's signature food, and the recipe taken from Ci' Ine's blog - modified by me (Ci Ine, terimakasih banyak untuk resep2nya). Actually months ago I've made a posting about it, but anyway, enjoy the pictures here.
I used big macaroni elbows, and some Iranian herb cheese
(I can't really remember the names or the origin)
Fresh baked and ready :)
Would you like some?
Mmh, want some more ma'am?
This is actually Mark and Spencers can soup - I added carrot, beef ham and salami and some cheese cubes inside. Mmhhh, tak terkatakan!
huah jd pgn belajar bikin schotel mmm nyummy... di sini keju jg serba murah, tp kmrn mo bikin sushi nyari bahannya susahnya minta ampun.. untung bs improvisasi dan dapet bahan2 alternatif..
fyi agak sulit masak masakan indo jg.. nanti mau berburu bumbu nih..
Hehehe... gampang kok :) cuma butuh waktu aja.. kangen ya sama HB? :D
(saya juga kangen huhuhuhu)
ya bumbu indo harusnya dah dibeli kemarin di sg sebelum ke sana ;D
semoga mendapatkan yaaaa
good news.. udah nemu bbrp bumbu2 indo impor dr belanda/belgia :)kunyit, daun sereh, kecap2an, laos, dll.
skrg bingung mo dibikin apa :p
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