-other than bellytummyjelly, I mean :P
I spent my childhood in Bandung, a small town 3 hours from Jakarta (thanks to highway technology, they've made it 2 hours ride now). The city was cool - it was much colder in my childhood time - and of course it hold so many good foods.
One of my favorite foods was ROTI BAKAR aka Toast Sandwich. Anything related to bread was the responsible agent for my bellytummyjelly - I would say. We could choose our own filling - chocolate or strawberry or peanut were the basic ones. More luxurious options would be mince meat (aka cornet beef) with eggs or cheese.

But though I might choose the expensive one - of course I used to have big brothers or aunty or anyone to treat me on this :P - I would prefer the cheaper ones (hey, I'm a simple girl with a modest preference!), and Chocolate-Peanut-Strawberry would be on top of my list! Yeah, now you can call me greedy, ahahhahaa…
But this time my posting isn’t about toast sandwich. But of course it still has something to do with chocolate, peanut butter and strawberry jam :)
Few days ago I made a birthday cake for my colleagues, and I used chocolate cream as a topping. Got the recipe from Pak Sahak when I went back to Jakarta – it should be my posting below, so just wait for it - and I had some small amount of leftover cream. The cream consisted (of course sinful things) of whipped cream, dark chocolate covertures, strawberry jam and peanut butter :D
I could use them for frosting some cup cakes – I did give it a thought – but I need something more effortless so I was thinking of making pudding. I have some sachets in my stock so I spent some li’l time in my kitchen this morning. Please don’t try to ask for the recipe because this time I just put things into to the pan :D
The taste is sooo yummy – too bad I didn’t measure the ingredients so next time I must do a trial again. I did give some additionalstrawberry jam, milk, and sugar :D
As sinful as it can be, ladies and gentlemen, I present you the other version of my childhood favorite food!